Annual Meeting 2017

The meeting was held on Saturday, January 28, 2017, Hillview Center, 97 Hillview Ave. Los Altos.
Our speaker was Steve Stearns, K6OIK. He explained why VHF and UHF propagation is not just "line of sight", and used software "in the cloud" to show the area covered by our W6ASH repeater, depending on signal strength and frequency.
View/download Steve's presentation here.
President Marc Roddin conducted the election of officers. All nominees were unanimously approved.
Dave Ricci discussed new California legislation that appears to prevent operation of ham radios while driving.
Steve Overstreet discussed the W6ASH recent operation events and future move to a new, higher location.
Neil Katin presented a report on the 2016 Electronic Flea Market and prospects for the Flea Market going forward.

Members listen to Neil discussing the upcoming Electronic Flea Market.

Patrick checked members in as they arrived.

Before the meeting and during a break members socialized and ate donuts.

Phil takes photographs of new members for their SPECS badge.

Steve explained that UHF and VHF propagate in more than straight "line of sight" and showed us how far our repeater can reach.

Marc conducts the business meeting and election of officers.

Members from each organization introduced themselves. This group is from Los Altos.

Dave gave details of a new California law that affects ham operators when driving and operating a radio.

Scott told us what is happening with the repeater now, and plans for moving it to a higher building.

SPECS member Rod brought used, tested power-pole batteries for members to purchase for a nominal fee.