Become a Ham
"HAM CRAM" Classes
These classes are offered by various groups in our area. In a typical class you study all day and then take the FCC exam around 4 pm. See below for current offerings.
or, search for a class:
NOTE: The FCC now charges an application fee of $35 -- billable after they receive the application, and allowing 10 days to pay it. This is separate from the fee (if any) for the class.

The Los Gatos / Monte Sereno hams offer ham cram sessions that are scheduled closely after the CERT classes offered by County Fire. Classes are held once a quarter. Visit the lgmsar website for more information and to sign up.
The classes are free. Location: Los Gatos EOC, 15900 Los Gatos Blvd.
The Bay Area Educational Amateur Radio Society gives classes that prepare you for the exam, which you can take on the same day. The cost is $35, payable at the door. Visit their web site for more information and to sign up.
Sunnyvale VEC. Amateur Radio Exam Sessions are held two to three times a month at Sunnyvale and Redwood City by Sunnyvale VEC (Volunteer Examiners). This is your opportunity to earn a new license or upgrade your license. For schedules and details see the website:

Silicon Valley VE group. The Silicon Valley Volunteer Examiner (VE) Group is an organization of South Bay radio amateurs affiliated with the ARRL VEC. They offer Technician, General, and Extra class exams to amateur radio newcomers and old hands alike. Classes are held the first and third Saturdays of every month at the Saratoga Firehouse, 14380 Saratoga Avenue, in downtown Saratoga.