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Repeater Move Pictures

Moving out

The radios and power supply were removed from the equipment rack and placed on a cart.  The antennas were disconnected.  The equipment rack still held the delicate antenna filters and both it and the cart with the radios had to be carefully rolled out the penthouse exit door and across the roof to the elevator.  The crew bravely rode in the elevator, protecting the equipment.  When the elevator got to the bottom there was still a ramp to descend to get to the ground. The entire pathway was bumpy!

Click on a picture for a larger view.

Moving in to Sobrato Pavillion

The crew transferred the rack and cart to the new location at the Sobrato Pavillion.  Once there they put the radios and power supply back into the rack, under the careful guidance of Scott and Dave P, who knew where all the cables belonged.  Everything worked when they turned the power on.  They will move the rack to its final location after the antennas are installed.

© 2015-2024 by the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System

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